Veterinarians from three countries joined forces with Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) to save a young German shepherd’s life after a bundle of tissue in his heart turned deadly. At six months old in 2017, Rex was by far the calmest dog the Silverman family of New York City had ever owned. Dr Roberto Santilli and Dr Romain Pariaut performed a successful radiofrequency catheter ablation of a mid-septal accessory pathway maintaining a fast reciprocating tachycardia (> 300 bpm).“Now all he does is run,” said Silverman. “He finally has the energy to play.”Rex, still not even a year old, can now enjoy puppy life to the fullest. In honor of his successful recovery and the surgeons who made it possible, the Silvermans partnered with the cardiology team to create the Henry and Karen Silverman Initiative to Advance Treatment of Canine Arrhythmias.

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